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Attributes such as safety, quality and efficiency are integral to Bertolini’s Mezzanine. Offering the best there is in use of space, it has a fully collapsible and reusable structure. It offers the possibility of being relocated, thus it provides endless possibilities of use, which makes it a cost effective system.
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A multi-functional system is often used in industries that want to build an office away from the production or inventory sector, for example. Likewise, its application allows the creation of areas for order picking, warehouses for light items or other types of projects.

Developed by Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem based on technical knowledge and the idea of providing advantages with a totally versatile, flexible and profitable system for the companies that adopt it - Bertolini Mezzanine offers, in addition to the versatility of its mechanisms, new possibility of work arrangements. Whether for the creation of a whole new environment or simply to support the logistics processes performed.

Bertolini’s Mezzanine can be inserted in places where there are pillars or posts, can bear maximum loads from 300 kgf/m² to 500 kgf/m² and has two floor options: Metal or Wall floor, with cementitious finish.

In addition, the Bertolini Mezzanine System has a guardrail for receiving cargo that meets the standards NBR 9050, NBR 9077, and NR12, using the thesis methodology of NBR 14718.

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Bertolini's experience ensuring solutions.

More than five decades of experience has rewarded us with the trust of a range of satisfied customers who are now great business partners. Meet some of them:
F Martins
Toyota Empilhadeiras