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foto de uma estrutura de base moveis sem produtos
With the Mobile Base Systems, companies can optimize their logistics processes for the storage of products. Intended for high weight loads, it is ideal for cold storage operations because it brings selectivity and optimal use of the available volume.
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Similar to the Bertolini Pallet Rack System, Mobile Base Systems provide numerous advantages to companies that opt for this service for their warehousing processes.

This storage method ensures the convenience and safety of the storage operation, all coupled with technology. Its structures move automatically, being controlled directly from the forklift or integrated with the WMS.

The Bertolini’s Mobile Base System is installed on an automated base, which moves on reinforced rails, allowing the entire structure to move and a single aisle is made available to the forklift operator. In this process, light barriers complying with the NR12 standard guarantee the safety of operators and handling equipment.

This system can be integrated with the Pallet Rack, Cantilever and other special storage options. In addition, Mobile Base Systems can double the storage capacity of a space, which results in cost savings for the companies since a new warehouse is not required.

These savings become even more relevant when considering the costs of cooling or freezing in cold storage warehouses, where the goal is to maximize system efficiency for quality storage.

Based on the technical and advanced knowledge of Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem, Mobile Base Systems is a smart project that offers the best planning, optimized for operations. Thus, it is designed to ensure a maximum flow of products, being intended for the storage of bulky goods and heavy loads with medium and high turnover.

It is ideal for order picking areas, production buffer zones and long term storage areas.

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Bertolini's experience ensuring solutions.

More than five decades of experience has rewarded us with the trust of a range of satisfied customers who are now great business partners. Meet some of them:
Toyota Empilhadeiras
Loja Elétrica
F Martins