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What was done
The giant Interfood Importação, which operates in the area of food and beverages, had a very sharp growth in a short period of time and needed to review the logistical processes at its new Distribution Center in São Paulo. Bertolini's project was developed with the objective of enhancing capacity and logistical performance to promote the company's growth.
In order to generate efficiency in operations, the main characteristics inserted by Bertolini are based on the company's daily operations. Now, the Center has diversification in products based on factors of receipt, storage, distribution and ABC curve. In view of the factors of volume and operational speed, necessary to achieve the best cost benefit.
Another important factor for the new Interfood Distribution Center is that it already foresees high operational gains, resulting in greater volume and turnover dimensioned in Dynamic system storage. As well as, a large number of products, with low, medium turnover and receiving (buffer).
In addition, static drive-in structures were designed for the stock and for highly rotating and highly selectable goods, storage in static pallet racks. The modern and innovative project had the best strategy inserted so that there was the best performance in the logistics processes, where forklifts and operators are involved.
In the development of the project, the Pareto concept was used, which, on average, 80% of turnover represents 20% of its marketed products, and these items were designed for structures that allow operational speed, activities based on the FIFO principle and use of space, characterizing the Dynamic system.
Dynamic System
With a customized solution, the new Distribution Center has 1,452 pallet positions, representing 132 addresses (channels) in Dynamic System.
Drive-trought system
As well as 931 pallet positions in the Drive-trought System, representing 19 streets with each street being 49 pallets.
Drive in system
For the Drive in System, there are 973 pallet positions, representing 20 addresses with 21 pallets per address (product family) and 20 addresses with 28 pallets per address (product family).
Pallet Rack
For the pallet rack, 5,588 pallet positions were customized for the family of products that require greater selectivity.
Delivering quality products, aimed at the best performance and cost benefit to its customers, is part of the routine of Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem.