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What was done
F. Martins is a large logistics center located in the city of Monte Carmelo, in the Mineiro Triangle. Its operations have been using Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem products and solutions for over 20 years!
The modern and personalized project, developed by Bertolini, presents the construction of a self-supporting with capacity to store more than 3,000 items. The study of the logistics operation and solution presented was the ideal one, being fundamental for the success of the client, marking a new phase of performance.
The company, which was at a time of expansion, continued to grow and today serves more than 7 thousand customers monthly in a radius of more than 400KM. With a wide range of products distributed and agility in delivery, it is one of the largest logistics operators in the region.
In order for the operation to be efficient and easy to handle, the company has more than 10,000 pallet positions, with passage tunnels so that the mobility of forklift operators is agile and productive.
The F. Martins Logistics Center has in its structure 4 thousand pallet positions in drive in and 6 thousand pallet positions in conventional pallet trucks that support loads of up to 1,200 kg in 6 height levels. With qualified tools and a specialized technical team, Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem, developed the project thinking about the versatility, security and agility of the logistics processes, exceeding the customer's expectations.
Generating and distributing to the market products and solutions that are positive in the work of companies such as F. Martins, contributing strategically to the development of their businesses, prove the expertise and quality that Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem incorporates in each project carried out. Results like this, are born from the strong alliance built between both parties, being a reason to be proud to tell yet another success story.
Clad Rack Warehouse
Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem develops Self-supporting projects based on the needs of each client and with F. Martins it was no different. In a modern project with the capacity to store more than 3,000 active items, the solution was ideal for the customer, directly contributing to the expansion of its business and success in the operation.
Pallet Rack System
There are more than 6 thousand pallet positions on conventional pallet trucks that support loads of up to 1,200 kg in 6 height levels.
Drive In Racking System
As a customized solution, the Drive In system was incorporated into the F. Martins project to guarantee the maximum use of each m² of the company. Currently, there are more than 4 thousand pallet positions stored in this system.