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What was done

Since 1990, Segala’s Alimentos has positioned itself as one of the largest distributors of chilled and frozen products in Brazil. Providing a reference service in its operations, ensuring reliability and efficiency in the delivery of over two thousand products from its catalog.

For a company of this size to function, excellent logistics processes are needed, which were found with Bertolini. The storage solutions developed for Segala’s ensure the proper preservation of each product.

The project of this partnership totaled more than twelve thousand pallet positions in its structure. Additionally, the project also includes the Dynamic and Push Back systems. These structures support temperatures as low as twenty-seven degrees below zero, while maintaining quality and ensuring safety for the entire Segala’s team during their operations.

Bertolini also developed over two thousand pallet positions for chilled and dry environments, and over seven thousand pallet positions exclusively for frozen products.

Bertolini's storage solutions are designed to maximize large distribution centers and optimize their organization and intralogistics to the fullest.